Mobile App Developer to Hire in UAE For iOS/Android Solutions

Planning to launch a mobile application to foster business growth in 2021? Hire top mobile app developers/programmers for your custom mobile app development project on either hourly, part-time or full-time basis. Choose to collaborate with the certified and accredited app development company that has been backed by app developers with a minimum of 5 yrs of experience and expertise in leading technologies, frameworks and tools. Mobile App Development Companies in Dubai – To evaluate the balance between quality and cost of the app development project, it is recommended to check the rating of the company on Clutch and GoodFirms and determine the satisfaction level of the previous clients.

The Extended Development Team: A Successful Way To Make It Work

Nowadays every business is trying to be the best in the market because of that offline businesses is getting low engagements and online business is getting higher engagement because they using online platforms and mobile applications that’s why they are more into the market. Now we are moving towards digital platforms more than 90% of population is using mobile phones if they want any service and product or anything they use their mobile-first to search that thing so it’s very important to have a mobile application for your business so that you can show your product and service to the buyers and give them a variety of product and service. So if you Looking for Mobile Application services in Dubai, then trust me Xicom Technologies Dubai is the best option for you because they are experts in this field of developing mobile applications.

The Best Practice For Debugging Error Within Your Android App

Handling Exceptions : The Right Approach

The strategy for handling exceptions in Android app developmentis here!

Exceptions and errors are situations that may happen relatively in every bit of code. Being aware of how to handle them is a crucial element of how efficient your app will be.

Though, exception handling is still straddling the fence nearly 60 years after the concoction. Thirty years later, Java pioneered on checking exceptions, another adroit but often misused idea that drew a lot of criticism and was abandoned by followers like Scala and Kotlin.

So, how should you manage exceptions?

Thus, this blog’s core objective is to give you an idea of how things work in Android Studio. Also, it will offer you insights into how Java programming languages handle the majority of the exceptions.

By the same token, I want to advocate for the simple strategy I followed for the past few years.


Before you start working for the strategy itself, let’s uncover the typical edge cases and the assumption that relies on it.

#Case 1: Not An Exception — Don’t Overlook

To manage exceptions properly, theapp development company only throw the right exceptions first. Let’s begin with Java Official documentation (same for C#), considering the best practices, and simultaneously never throwing extraneous exceptions anymore.

After all, exceptions are meant to be exceptional. But, keep in mind, gloomy and empty results are not exceptions!

#Case 2: Don’t Pay Attention — Ignore

Yes, there are some exceptions that you don’t need to pay attention to, you can simply catch and ignore it.

There are a bunch of libraries that don’t follow the best practices and throw random exceptions here and there. If somehow, the exception doesn’t provide the needed pieces of information and doesn’t mean observable error or unrecoverable state, there is no need to gush time on it.

Moreover, don’t forget to document the reason for ignoring the exception

#Case 3: No Need To Control — Accept

In some scenarios, you can’t control how an exception should be managed. For instance, checking exceptions in Java, so to manage this, you need to brainstorm about it- you should follow the platform recommendations. When file-reading functions always throw EOF exceptions, they have no option but to manage it.

Sketching The Strategy

Now, when everything is under the umbrella of pre-conditions, it is easy to focus on the real exceptional cases like numerous I/O problems, NPE, and the list goes on. According toAndroid app developers, these are the real issues that occur during the app execution and cause unwanted and observable results to the end-user.

The strategy is just followed in three simple questions. Ask them in the same order to find the right way out for handling the particular exception.

For the strategy there are four possible outcomes, let’s find out how they work.

  • Avoid
  • Recover
  • Happen
  • Crash and Track


The best exception is the exception that can ever be thrown. If the library throws when not initialized — just initialize it. If somehow the method can not work with nulls — simply make sure it’s impossible to pass the null.

The code with lots of catch/try blocks turns harder to read than the code lots of if/else.

The best exception is the exception that was never thrown. If the library throws when not initialized — initialize it. If the method can not work with nulls — make sure it impossible to pass the null. The code with lots of try/catch blocks is even more complicated to read than the code lots of if/else.


This time you have a possible exception. Say you need to dereference nullable objects or perform an operation that may fail.

Probably, you would be wondering how this piece of code recovers from that exception?

For example, a networking layer can retry the call if it’s allowed for doing so, but it can merely deal with the unparsable results or the WiFi turned off.

So it should not!

There is no need to develop a fake result: yes, a banking app can present the account balance of $0.00 if it cannot find the account but should it? An attempt to add the proper recovery code most likely will end up with the violation of SRP and a highly significant number of injected dependencies.


The Android app development company knows that the piece of the code deals with an exception that it cannot handle.

But is that possible during normal execution?

Yes, and probably you know that it cannot be avoided, nor recovered, then the only action you can take is to wrap the exception to make it more specific and informative and re-throw. The upper-layer, in turns, could be able to recover from that situation. For instance, it can refresh the list of accounts or simply ask to reconnect to WiFi.

Crash and Track

Now, if the answer to the last question asked was a no, what does that mean?

Is it really impossible during the normal execution?

That clearly means you can breach some invariants that must be maintained by the system. An example to understand it better would be dereference of a nullable/late-init field that is supposed to be injected in a class that is always instantiated through DJ frameworks

To put it simply, you own the complete control of the code, and it depends not on the environment (disk, network, user), but on the usage. You may get such an exception only if you add incorrect instruction inside the system. And, if that happens, we would better know about it as soon as possible.

Crashing on some unpopular advice but let’s consider the alternatives:

  • Swall and Ignore :

This alternative surely lead you to unpredictable behaviour. Even, if the app doesn’t crash is that a better choice for a user when the buttons don’t do what they are supposed to do, and what if the information on the screen is misleading?

What if some internal application invariant is broken, that means the logic is broken as well and the app is not more beneficial anyway.

  • Log and rethrow

The proficients of Android app development often add exclusive logs but is it a good practice?

If the upper layer can handle the exception, that means the logging was not required, and if not and takes the same longing approach, it will bloat the logs making the issue harder to analyze.

Remember : Logging is the form of exception handling, but do it if it’s right and required.

  • Catch it and Handle

Catch it and try to handle alternatives will result in the bloated code pretty much immediately.

  • Should you wrap every dereference of the variable that’s never null?
  • Can you put initialization checking logic into every single internal method?

Besides, if the handling is complex, it can cause even more bugs and will turn the unit-testing even harder for sure.

On the contrary, Crashing will make you aware of the issue immediately on the testing phase, even before the QA team experiments with the app’s latest version.

But what if the impossible turns possible and the app starts crashing in the user’s hands?

Simple, all other approaches would delay the feedback loop: how long would it take for an average team to figure out a spike of qualm activity in the logs?

How many users would get incorrect bank statements or even decline to worse by that time?

  • Track

Already, you would be familiar that the previous rule makes sense only if we have the feedback loop!

BUT, the good part is that there are a bunch of altering solutions for web and mobile apps. With proper alerts monitoring in place, you can react to the crucial issues in days if not hours, preventing more harm to the users and ourselves.

In totality, the whole strategy grounds on four definitive rules:

  • Avoid if possible
  • Recover if not avoidable
  • Pass only if possible
  • Else, crash and track

A Note: Let your code be amazingly stable by letting it crash ASAP!

The Nutshell!

Error and Exception handling is an unskippable part of asynchronous programming.

Still, you have some questions unanswered about how an Android app development company can help you track errors in developing Android apps?

Get in touch with experts and start your error blasting!

Leading Magento Development Companies In Dubai To Partner In 2021

2021’s Top Magento Development Companies In Dubai To Look Forward To

In today’s landscape, when everyone has bats in the belfry for social media platforms, Ecommerce has made many startups possible. One can easily find any shopping store on Facebook and Instagram or even food delivery apps; all this made possible with an easy reach a company gets when compared to the offline mode which is an expensive thing.

Besides, there are no geographical constraints to an ecommerce store. Thus, setting up an ecommerce store is the must-have step if you want to target a bigger audience and reap mammoth profits.

Read full Article Here : Leading Magento Development Companies In Dubai To Partner In 2021


Now, is the time to get through stats and theory and step on it.  

Have you ever wondered how Microsoft is able to release brand new versions of every project in merely three weeks of time period? Or how Google can easily update their desktop and mobile apps while many IT firms and software development companies in Dubai take years? 

Stories like these are the significant reason as to why Agile project development cult has so many debut followers. 

Instead of opting for conventional development approaches like the Waterfall method, where you spend several months or might be years on a project without showing it to the user. Whereas Agile is all about launching often, meeting the prerequisite of clients and moving dynamically for the project development. 

In simple words, agile development takes the lights from you and puts it on your clients. It’s a subtle change, but surely can have a significant result. 


Top Software Development Company in Dubai,UAE | Xicom

Unsurprisingly, users now tend to look out for apps for queries rather than searching it on a web browser. This drift eventually adds to the rising demand for internet usage coupled with affordable data packages leading businesses to have their own software or mobile apps to enhance audience reach.

The software companies in the UAE are steadily rising, with Dubai becoming a hub-spot for tech-entrepreneurs. The dynamic growth domain for software development in Dubai has always been a revolution. Besides, their highly trained and exceptionally skilled technology wizards worldwide, Dubai software companies job is every techie favourite’s hub because of the healthy competition and handsome salary packages.


How Native App Design Reply To 2021? Here’s The Answer

Hyper-intuitive app design is all about personalized communication, a cordial voice, and exceptional interaction. In simple words, the design that didn’t put the onus on users to think much and pay attention to emotions, motivations and needs.

Are you ready to build a technology-advanced product that connects to the user’s heart? Then, you are in the right place.

With two platforms being dominant in the present scenario, the app developers compromise with either a faster development cycle or unforgettable user experience. So, what’s the way out? Don’t you wish there should be an application framework that bridges the gap between the two famous OS — iOS and Android.

Fortunately, the hybrid app framework is here to help!

Read Full Article Here:How Native App Design Reply To 2021? Here’s The Answer


ou don’t have to be a rocket scientist to come up with unique mobile app ideas.

One idea is enough!

Presently, there are some wacky businesses out there – and agree or not; most of them are profitable. While, some of the unique business ideas make your head go shudder in disbelief, whereas others make you mutter, “Hey! Why didn’t I think of it”?

The online business ideas ortrending app ideashere vary from dealing with head lice to doing innovative things with roadkill, but one thing they share in common is – they all are real businesses that make money. Even some of them can do well in an economic catastrophe.

So, whether you agree or not, creating a mobile app is an impression of ourself, and a reflection of what we see is missing outside. Although, creating an app idea for the first time can be a rollercoaster for some with uncertainty spawning a fear inside the creator.

Don’t worry! We will be sharing 50+ inspirational mobile app ideas of the future with you that you can choose and start with the development right away in 2020.

Let’s get started!


Top 10 IOS App Development Companies In Dubai 2021

Top Trusted IOS App Development Companies In Dubai, UAE — 2021 Edition

You must have read about thriving mobile app’s success stories of startups. They outdistance in alluring a lion’s portion of 3.5 billion smartphone users towards their mobile app. The road of this emerging mobile application development industry is open for all, but not all can reap them.

Also Read : Top 10 Mobile App Development Companies In Dubai In 2021

The facts and stories appear flamboyant but not for all. Irrespective of the business nature and size, the journey of many businesses has somehow and somewhere witnessed the lull behind the storm. In research by Business of Apps, it was found that mobile apps within three days of launching lose 77 percent of its daily active users.

How To Build A Popular Smartnews App? Check Out These Features

Read Full Article Here: How To Build A Popular Smartnews App? Check Out These Features


This is an exciting time for mobile health segment as it steps the ladder of success along its journey to the future.

The cliche goes “study the past if you would define the future” holds strong for medical vertical with current drivers of change strategizing for 2020 and ahead.

The drivers of change are an ageing and growing population, the rising ubiquity of chronic diseases, technological advancements, evolving medical care models, and expensive infrastructure. However, the unskippable driver is the expanding health care market.